Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Reflection for Assignment 4

While I do not consider myself a conservative, when it came to classroom blogging, I heard myself exclaim, "Like that would be helpful to learners! Hrumph!" I have to say that I have changed and I do see the value of blogging. It is a faster way to give instant feedback to students about their reading and writing. I believe it would be beneficial to meet students in a realm that they are comfortable in instead of always asking them to leave their comfort zone.

I hope to use blogging to enrich and enliven the deadly reader responses the students are expected to do. I will set up a classroom blog for that purpose.


Unknown said...

Cheryl, I'm so glad that you have discovered a different side of classroom blogging. I'm so looking forward to working with you and your students to get them started blogging next year!

iliketech said...

There are a fair number of students who sit in class and are afraid to speak and share their thoughts. Blogs might be the way for these students to open up and share their thoughts. I think we still have a great responcibility as the moderator of the blogs to make sure the comments are appropriate and don't cause these same students to shut down again because of bad comments.

Terri said...

Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for alerting me to the problems with my links. Having "http" twice does not work!!! The co -teaching blog had some neat reflections and I especially like the Babe Ruth Quote - I thought it would be a neat quote for older kids to discuss. I think reader response can be deadly and using technology is certainly a motivator - good luck!

Anonymous said...

I feel that sometimes people resist new technology because they don't fully understand it or haven't seen its potential. Just as we ask students to come out of their comfort zones for us, as teachers we need to remember to come out of our comfort zone too. Congratulations on being open to using new technology!

Espreter said...

I like how you brought up the idea of students and their "comfort zones." With that being said, some students may be really into having their comments and work published on a blog, while others students may feel uncomfortable. I think student choice is key.