Monday, May 14, 2007

A chance to speak out

Andy Carvin is considered an internet activist, author, and Ed tech expert. He alerts us to the fact that we have a chance to speak to the U.S. Secretary of Education about the role of technology in the classroom. In the blog "Open Letters on the Role of Education Technology", there is a questionnaire for anyone to complete in order to give public feedback. I did not add a post yet but I made copies of the article and the one posted comment. I will read them and hope to add my comments. I thought it would be something that you tech people out there would like to respond to. The URL is

1 comment:

Mrs. Boccuzzi-Reichert said...

The PBS link provides interesting articles regarding technology. The IPod of the Beholder - brought up the question of how to embrace the technology that students use everyday into classroom instruction. Today while working with a class of students, I had a student teach me, how an IPOD could be used the same way as a flash drive. I didn't know that was possible, as we continued our conversation it made me ponder, how could the technology the students use for fun everyday enhance their learning?